Terms of Use

This page (together with the documents referred to on it) tells you the terms of use on which you may make use of the Stratify-Hip website (our website). Please read these terms carefully before you use our site. By using our site, you are agreeing to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you must not use our site. We may change these terms at any time by amending this page. Please check this page every time you use our site to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time. We may prevent or suspend your access to the site if you do not comply with any part of these terms, any terms or policies to which they refer to or any applicable law. These terms were last updated on [25 March 2022].

1. Information about us

Stratify-Hip website is a site operated by Kings College London (KCL/we/our/us), London, UK.

2. Accessing our site

Our site is made available free of charge. We do not guarantee that our site, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. We may suspend, withdraw, or restrict availability of all or any part of our site without notice. We will try to give you reasonable notice of any suspension or withdrawal, but we will not be liable if for any reason our site is unavailable at any time or for any period. From time to time, we may restrict access to some parts of our site, or our entire site, to any users.

3. Target audience for our site

The Stratify-Hip website details a research tool in development. We anticipate the content of the site will be of interest to healthcare professionals such as, but not limited to, physicians, physiotherapists, and specialist nurses working with older adults during the index admission to hospital for hip fracture surgery. The Stratify Hip model(s) predicts the risk of inhospital death, 30-day death, and of a change in residence (to a higher level of dependency). The model has only been formally validated using datasets from the population of the United Kingdom (UK). The model predicts the risk of death and changing residence based on five variables: age, sex, prefracture function, prefracture residence, and dementia. Stratify Hip Model cannot be considered for any other patient group apart from adult patients over the age of 60-years. The model does not claim to be the only method to predict the risk of inhospital death, 30-day death, and of a change in residence, nor does it preclude other methods to assess these risks. The model is for information purposes only and KCL are not endorsing the use of the algorithm for any clinical management or research purpose as it is yet to be tested and/or approved as a medical device by the UK Regulator or any non-UK body.

4. How you may use material on our site

KCL are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) in the design of our site, including its look and feel. All intellectual property rights in the content of our site, including any materials and applications, are protected by laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved. We have taken all reasonable steps in developing our site and in obtaining all consents, permissions, and waivers to enable us to present the material on it. Our site uses third party software which is licensed under the GNU General Public License (“GPL”) which requires us to provide copyright notices and/or additional terms and conditions to you. Such copyright notices and additional terms and conditions may be accessed by you at [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html] and are incorporated by reference into these terms. Use, reproduction, and distribution of the software licensed under the GPL are governed solely by the terms of that opensource license and not these terms of use. You may print off one copy, and may download extracts, of any page(s) from our site for non-commercial, informational, educational and research purposes use only. You may not adapt, alter, or create a derivative work from our site content for any other purpose. You may draw the attention of others to content posted on our site. You must not use our site or any of the content of our site for commercial purposes. You must not modify the paper or digital copies of any materials you have printed off or downloaded in any way and you must not use any illustrations, photographs, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text or marks. Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as authors of content on our site must always be acknowledged. Any names, images and logos identifying KCL or third parties and mentioned, used, or cited on our site are the property of their respective owners and are subject to copyright, design rights and/or trademarks of KCL and/or third parties. Nothing contained in these terms shall be construed as conferring any licence or right to use any such names, images, or logos. If you print off, copy, or download any part of our site in breach of these terms, your right to use our site will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made. The Stratify-Hip website details a research tool in development which to date has not been tested or approved as a medical device by the UK Regulator or any applicable non-UK body. Visitors to the site are free to use the research tool at their own discretion for information purposes only. 

5. Our liability

Please read this section carefully as it sets out the limits of our liability to you in relation to your use of this site and the Stratify Hip Model(s). As the software is governed by separate terms, you should also read the limits of liability described in the GPL. The contents of this site including without limitation, the prediction models, risk prediction results, numbers, text, links, and all other materials are provided as a convenience to our model users and are non-commercial, informational, educational and research purposes only. Healthcare professionals should rely on their own independent clinical judgement and knowledge, relevant referral guidelines, and on assessing all the risk factors including the factors which have not been considered in the model when taking any decision relating to the patient’s future clinical management. Stratify Hip is designed as an adjunct to standard counselling and personal discussion with a health care professional and cannot replace it. All results are reference information only and must be interpreted in the context of each patient’s individual circumstances. The Stratify Hip Model is experimental in nature and not intended for use in the prognostic of hip fracture or any other condition, or the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man, or other animals. We do not take responsibility for the decisions taken by the users based solely on the information provided by the Stratify Hip. Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our site, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content of our site is accurate, complete, or up to date. We are not responsible for checking or updating material or links that we provide. If you use any information or materials on this site, you do so at your own risk. We are not liable for any loss you incur by using any of the information or materials available on our site. It is your responsibility to ensure before you use them that any information available through our site meets your specific needs. KCL is not endorsing the use of this algorithm for any clinical management, and it has not been tested and approved as a medical device by the UK Regulator or any non-UK body.

6. Information about you and your visits to our site

We process information about you in accordance with KCL Privacy and Cookies Policy. Your use of the site means that you must also comply (where applicable) with our:

  1. Acceptable use policy
  2. Privacy policy
  3. Cookie policy

7. Viruses, hacking and other offences

We do not guarantee that our site or any material posted on it will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. We cannot guarantee that the site will be fit or suitable for any purpose. You are responsible for configuring your information technology, computer programmes and platform to access our site. You should use your own virus protection software. You must not misuse our site by knowingly introducing viruses, trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious or technologically harmful. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to our site, the server on which our site is stored, or any server, computer or database connected to our site. You must not attack our site via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of service attack or through any illegitimate means. By breaching this provision, you would commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities, and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. In the event of such a breach, your right to use our site will cease immediately.

8. Linking to our site

You may link to our home page, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it, but you must not establish a link in such a way as to suggest any form of association, approval, or endorsement on our part where none exists. You must not establish a link from a site which is not owned by you. Our site must not be framed on any other site, nor may you create a link to any part of our site other than the home page. We reserve the right to withdraw linking permission without notice. If you would like to make any use of material on our site other than that set out above, please contact Stratify Hip model team.

9. Links from our site

Where our site contains links to other sites and resources provided by third parties, these links are provided for your information only. Such links should not be interpreted as approval by us of those linked websites or information you may obtain from them. We have no control over the contents of those websites and resources and accept no responsibility for them or for any loss or damage that may arise from your use of them.

10. Jurisdiction and applicable law

These terms of use, their subject matter, and their formation, are governed by English law. If you choose to access the site from outside the UK, you are responsible for compliance with local or federal laws where applicable. Any case or action arising under these terms, or the use of the Stratify Hip Model shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.